ICCE 2023

"2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING - ICCE 2023" - Konferenca: Tiranë - Prishtinë
On behalf of the Civil Engineering Faculty of Polytechnic University of Tirana, and the Civil Engineering Faculty of Pristina University, we are pleased to invite you to attend the “2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING - ICCE 2023” to be held at Civil Engineering Faculty, Tirana, Albania, on May 18-20, 2023.
First International Conference of Civil Engineering (ICCE2017) was successfully organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana during 12-14 October, 2017. There were 7 Keynote Lectures and 109 presentations, of which 90 were published as full papers in the proceedings book.
The ICCE2023 conference will consist of plenary sessions with invited speakers, and parallel sessions with oral and poster presentations to provide an international forum for discussing recent advances in the field of civil engineering.
The scientific program will address different topics covering the fields of: Structural and Earthquake Engineering; Computational Methods in Civil Engineering; Construction Technology and Management; Construction Materials; Geotechnical Engineering; Hydraulics Engineering; Hydrology, Flooding and Water Management; Hydraulic Structures and Coastal Engineering; Sustainable Design; Transportation Engineering; Environmental Quality/EIA and ESA; Water and Wastewater Treatment; Efficiency and Renewable Energy; Risk assessment and environmental management; Climate changes and adaptation to them; Engineering against the objectives of sustainable development; Engineering Geodesy and Survey Monitoring; Higher Geodesy, Cartography, Photogrammetry and RS; Infrastructure of Geospatial Data and Information (NSDI); GIS, Geomatics and Geoscience; Historical and Monumental Buildings.
This will be an exciting event which should not be missed.
We look forward to welcoming you to Tirana.
Please find more detailed information in the official website of the conference.
Call for Papers_ICCE2023