Draft Submission




It is essential to conform rigorously to the following instructions for the preparation of the papers. Authors are requested to upload a MS Word file of the papers at the symposium website.


·         Page Setup

Paper size               : A4 (210 mm x 297 mm).

Margins                  : Top and bottom 2.5 cm, left and right 3.0 cm.

Font type and size  : Times New Roman, 12 points.

Length of the paper: The maximum paper length is eight (8) pages including the  

                                figures and tables. (16 pages for the invited speakers).

Page numbering     : Page numbers should be at the bottom of the page and centered.

Body text               : single line spacing and justified. 

Color                      : Text, figures and tables should be in black & white.


·         Title

Paper title               : 16 pt., bold, center justified.

Authors                   : 14 pt., bold, center justified.

Affiliations             : 12 pt., center justified.


·         Abstract

The paper must have an abstract. The objectives and scope of the study, the techniques used and the results obtained should be outlined briefly. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.


·         Keywords

5 keywords should be given in italics.


·         Headings

First - Order Headings (14 pt., bold, initial letters in capitals, center justified, one blank line below the first-order headings)

Second - Order Headings (12 pt., bold, initial letters in capitals, left justified, one blank line below second-order headings)

Third - Order Headings (12 pt., italics, initial letters in capitals, left justified, one blank line below third-order headings)

Fourth - Order Headings (12 pt., bold, initial letters in capitals, inline with the text)


·         Paragraphs

12 pt., single line spacing, justified, no indentation.

There should be one blank line between paragraphs.

The blank lines should be 12 pt.


·         Figures and Tables

Figures and tables must be numbered and placed with captions, where they are referred to in the text. Tables should be numbered with roman numbers, and figures with Arabic numbers.

Captions of figures and photographs should appear below them, while captions of tables should be typed above. There should be one blank line between the captions and the figures or tables.

Figures, tables and captions should be centered.

The proceedings will be printed in black and white. Make sure that the interpretation of graphs does not depend on color.


·         Equations

Equations should be typed and all symbols should be explained within the manuscript. An equation should be proceeded and followed by one blank line, and should be referred to, in the text, in the form Eq. (1). Numbering of equations should be right-justified.


·         Acknowledgements

If included, acknowledgments should appear before the list of references.


·         References

In the text, place in parentheses the authors' surnames (no initials) and the publication date: (Gibbs and Bara, 1962). If there are more than two authors, give the first author’s name, followed by “et al.” (Leroueil et al., 1985). If the same authors made two or more publications in the same year, label them as follows (1997a, 1997b, etc.). References in the text should be listed in alphabetical order (then if necessary in date order) at the end of the paper using the following format:

Ohama, Y. (1995) Handbook of Polymer-Modified Concrete and Mortars; Properties and Process Technology, Noyes Publications, New Jersey.

Yeon, K. S., Yi, J. and Lee, H. J. (2008) Deflection Behavior of Polymer Mortar Sandwich Panels Rein-forced with GFRP, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 108(2), p. 1336-1347.

Czarnecki, L. (2010) Concrete-Polymer Composites (C-PC) – Change per Continuation (CpC), Proc. of 13th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete, ICPIC 2010, Funchal-Madeira, p. 15-26.

Ekincioglu, O. (2008) Investigations of Moisture Sensitivity in Macro Defect Free Cements, Ph.D. Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.


The template is shown below:




Paper Title



First Author, Second Author


E-Mail(s): xxx@xxx


Third (and other) Author(s)


E-Mail: xxx@xxx






This is the first line of the abstract. . . .


Keywords: First keyword, Second keyword, …, Fifth keyword.





This is the first line of the introduction. References in the text should be given as Surname (2006) or (Surname, 2006).



Other First Order Heading


Second Order Heading


This is the first line of this paragraph. . . .


Third Order Heading


This is the first line of this paragraph. . . .



Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge…





Czarnecki, L. (2010) Concrete-Polymer Composites (C-PC) – Change per Continuation (CpC), Proc. of 13th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete, ICPIC 2010, Funchal-Madeira, p. 15-26.

Ekincioglu, O. (2008) Investigations of Moisture Sensitivity in Macro Defect Free Cements, Ph.D. Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Ohama, Y. (1995) Handbook of Polymer-Modified Concrete and Mortars; Properties and Process Technology, Noyes Publications, New Jersey.

Yeon, K. S., Yi, J. and Lee, H. J. (2008) Deflection Behavior of Polymer Mortar Sandwich Panels Rein-forced with GFRP, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 108(2), p. 1336-1347.



Please follow the following instructions and template during preparing your draft  paper. Please click here to download the paper instructions and template.

Please send your draft paper by using the form below or the following  addresses.