The Past Lectures

The Faculty of Civil Engineering with its institutional tradition, by promoting research work, studies cases and practices, special-specific projects or designs of national and international levels organize the Open Lectures on various topics from engineering fields such as Structures, Hydrotechnics, Geodesy, Environmental Engineering, which relate to scientific analysis, project studies, case study, environmental and social impact issues.

The purpose of Organizing the Open Lectures within FCE for students, academic staff and the labor market is to raise awareness of scientific achievements, difficulties, challenges and practices for the realization of studies, projects and constructions for specific cases, decomposition of scientific problems and others.

Human and Vehicles, A love story - Dr. Dorina Pojani
Publikuar me: 11/12/2023 Shkarko
Societal role of universities in integrated water management through research, education and training - Thomas Ertl
Publikuar me: 02/11/2023 Shkarko
Why is BIM so important for us - Matjaž Šajn
Publikuar me: 30/06/2023 Shkarko
Building Better Infrastructure with CGS Labs Civil Solutions - Matjaž Šajn
Publikuar me: 30/06/2023 Shkarko
Assessment of wind-induced responses of structures using wind tunnel testing - Bujar Morava
Publikuar me: 11/06/2023 Shkarko
Aspekte të përdorimit të tenzorëve dhe matricave në mekanikën e materialeve - Prof. Niko Pojani
Publikuar me: 31/05/2023 Shkarko
Ecohydraulics and Hydropower - Guido Zolezzi
Publikuar me: 22/05/2023 Shkarko
Biologically-Inspired Design for Innovation - Dr. Alessandro Bianciardi
Publikuar me: 11/05/2023 Shkarko
Precast concrete structures - technological evolution - Dr. Lago Bruno
Publikuar me: 14/04/2023 Shkarko
Water management in Germany_Bavaria - Matthias Worst
Publikuar me: 27/01/2023 Shkarko
Rheology interaction of cementitious slurries - Teresa Liberto
Publikuar me: 09/12/2022 Shkarko
Damages caused by earthquake and buiding performance - Dr. Markel Baballëku
Publikuar me: 22/11/2022 Shkarko
DBU International Funding - Information
Publikuar me: 27/06/2022 Shkarko
DBU CEE Fellowship Programe - Fellowship for further qualification in Germany
Publikuar me: 27/06/2022 Shkarko
Open lecture from AL Trade Center
Publikuar me: 07/06/2022 Shkarko
Prezantim në emër të BI për FN UP, 2022 Nehat Koçinaj
Publikuar me: 13/05/2022 Shkarko
From quality control to decision - making on the management of bridges and structures: What's next? - Prof. Dr. José C. Matos
Publikuar me: 12/05/2022 Shkarko
Quo vadis INSPIRE - Held on December 10, 2021
Publikuar me: 13/05/2022 Shkarko
Publikuar me: 13/05/2022 Shkarko