New Partnership Announcement! July 31, 2024.

31 Korrik 2024

Today marks the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for an innovative Water Conservation Initiative. This partnership brings together the USAID Kosovo Adapt Activity, Fakulteti i Inxhinierisë së Ndërtimit UP, and NPL „Gjelbër" sh.a

  • Why does this matter? This initiative will utilize rainwater to irrigate green spaces around the Faculty of Engineering, reducing the reliance on municipal water supply. The initiative aims to address water scarcity issues, mitigate the impact of drought event, and provide practical learning experiences for students and use as an innovative solution to manage water resource effectively. 
  • Key Highlights:

Sustainability: Reduces reliance on municipal water supplies.  
Innovation: Uses collected rainwater for irrigation, improving urban resilience to climate change.
Education: Provides practical learning for university students

  • This cooperation is a step towards a greener, more sustainable future. Follow along as we bring this vision to life! #ChangeforClimate #WaterConservation #ClimateAction #USAIDKosovo #GreenFuture