EFEHR Newsletter

24 Tetor 2023

Welcome to our new EFEHR Chair, Executive Committee and members. And a special thank you to ...

Newsletter #6 / October 2023
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Dear Florim

Over the last four years, EFEHR has made remarkable progress in the field of seismic hazard and risk assessment in Europe. These accomplishments demonstrate EFEHR's commitment to advancing seismic research, data accessibility, and scientific collaboration.

To mention a few examples, we successfully released the European Seismic Hazard and Risk Models and re-designed our website in April 2022. Furthermore, we established a strong data policy guided by FAIR principles, made significant progress in service development and integration into the EPOS ICS-C portal, organised various scientific sessions at conferences, and most importantly, we significantly grew in membership from 12 to 37.

After four eventful years it's time to bid farewell to our Chair, Fabrice Cotton, and the three Executive Committee members, Helen Crowley, Päivi Mäntyniemi, and Céline Beauval. A heartfelt thank you for your dedicated in-kind contributions and efforts in the last four years!
We have thus elected our new Executive Committee at the EFEHR General Assembly on October 11. We look forward to our new Executive Committee with Chair Fatemeh Jalayer and three new members, Graeme Weatherill, Roberto Basili, and Radmila Salic Makreska, joining the existing members, Olga-Joan Ktenidou, António A. Correia, and Laurentiu Danciu as Consortium Secretary. This dynamic team sets the stage for continuing success and growth. Get to know the new members here in this newsletter!
Thank you, merci beaucoup, kiitos paljon
Dear Fabrice, Céline, Päivi and Helen
As your term on the EFEHR Executive Committee comes to a close, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for your in-kind efforts and contributions to the EFEHR Consortium over the past four years. Your dedication and expertise have been essential in advancing our mission and making a significant impact on our community. Your collective effort has laid a solid foundation upon which we can continue to build, and your legacy will no doubt inspire future ExeComs to strive for the same level of excellence.

Thank you for your steady commitment and support to EFEHR. You have set a high bar, and your work will be remembered and appreciated for years to come. We are confident that we will cross paths again because you are all valuable members of our community.

Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors,

Laurentiu Danciu
On behalf of the EFEHR Consortium
Our new Executive Committee
A kind welcome to the new members of the EFEHR Executive Committee (ExeCom) and the new EFEHR Chair: Fatemeh Jalayer,  Radmila Salic Makreska, Roberto Basili and Graeme Weatherill. Together with the prior members, Olga-Joan Ktenidou and Antonio A. Correia as well as Laurentiu Danciu as Consortium Secretary, they form the new EFEHR ExeCom. With their expertise, they will further thrive on EFEHR's mission to advance earthquake hazard and risk assessment in the European-Mediterranean area. We wish you much success in your future endeavours at EFEHR ExeCom!
EFEHR Chair:

Prof. Fatemeh Jalayer

Professor of Geophysical Hazard Risks at the University College London (UK)

Her research area is in the application of probabilistic methods to civil engineering problems. Fatemeh is focusing on areas such as, probabilistic seismic risk assessment, time-dependent risk assessment, and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. She has also been actively involved in portfolio vulnerability and risk assessment for hydro-geological and climate-related hazards.

She also coordinates the European Tsunami Risk Service (ETRiS) which is part of the candidate Thematic Core Service Tsunami of the European Plate Observing System (EPOS), the Multi-Risk Services Portfolio of Horizon Europe project Geo-INQUIRE, and is integrated into the EPOS ICS-C portal.

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Consortium Secretary

Dr. Laurentiu Danciu

Senior researcher at the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH Zurich

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Executive Committee

Assoc. Prof.
Radmila Salic Makreska
Head of the Department for risk, disaster management and strategic planning at the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (North Macedonia)

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Dr. Roberto Basili
Senior researcher at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy

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Dr. Graeme Weatherill
Seismic hazard researcher at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam (Germany)

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Dr. Olga-Joan Ktenidou
Associate Researcher at the Institute of Geodynamics of the National Observatory of Athens (Greece)

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Dr. António A. Correia
Researcher at the Portuguese National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, LNEC (Portugal)

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New EFEHR members
Recently, seven new partners joined EFEHR. We welcome them as part of the General Assembly and are looking forward to the future collaboration.
  • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London (UK)
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Strathclyde (UK)
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina" (Kosovo)
  • Institute of Hydrometeorlogy and Seismology, Sector of Seismology (Montenegro)
  • Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture of University of Naples Federico II, Naples (Italy)
  • Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Instituto Dom Luiz IDL (Portugal)
  • Department of Civil Engineering, TED University Ankara TED, (Türkiye)

The General Assembly is the governing body of the EFEHR Consortium and comprises both voting members and observers. 37 institutions make up the current voting members of the EFEHR Consortium General Assembly.

EFEHR partner institutions
EPOS Seismology Workshop and EFEHR General Assembly in Podgorica
From October 9-12, the EPOS Seismology workshop took place in Podgorica (Montenegro). More than 100 experts across Europe participated in the three days of fruitful debates and scientific exchange on seismological data services and the associated science products.

Within this workshop, the EFEHR General Assembly was held. Before the formal part of the General Assembly, there was a public scientific session focussing on the earthquake sequence that impacted Türkiye and Syria earlier this year, and how insights from these events are helping us improve our European hazard and risk models.

In the framework of the EPOS infrastructure, the Thematic Core Service (TCS) for Seismology (EPOS Seismology) coordinates the integration and access to various seismological and earthquake-related data services. The internal coordination of data service management allows EPOS Seismology to offer integrated access to an outstanding set of waveform data and scientific products, also including seismic hazard and risk. Seismology is traditionally a domain where European infrastructures have been developed through cross-border and international collaborations.

More about EPOS Seismology
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